The First Congregational Church of Meredith’s Mission Board is a vibrant group of caring individuals whose contributions are felt both locally and nationally as well as around the world. Our team consists of longtime members working alongside new members who come together to do Christ’s work. Meetings are on the second Tuesday evening of each month where members share in making each mission project a success. New members to our board are always welcome.
Our goal is to reach members and friends of our congregation through:
These are the ministries that our Mission Board regularly coordinates for the church:
February Souper Bowl of Carin, Super Bowl Sunday-Collect food for the Meredith Food Pantry! Thank you to our community for all the support!
Year Round United Church of Christ (UCC) Basic Support
Year Round Call to Action - community coalition re: Opioid crisis
Year Round Hearts & Hands Thrift Store - proceeds help local causes
Year Round Meredith Food Pantry - ongoing collections
Year Round Pastor’s Discretionary Fund - confidential pastoral assistance
As Needed Response Missions - ranging from natural disasters to economic emergencies, housing for exchange students and more.
March UCC One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) - International
July/August Inter-Lakes School District-Backpack Project to assist students who need help preparing for return to school - Local
August Children are Angel's from Heaven - tuition support for two students in India - International
October UCC Neighbors in Need - National
October India Students - gift bags - International
October/November Stewardship Drive - Annual Church Giving
November/December Christmas Angels - clothes & toys for children in need - Local
December Veterans of the Cross - National
- Mission Moments: Guest speakers on Sundays
- the monthly “Caller” newsletter in order to inform all shareholders about a variety of missions needs including dates and specific tasks to fulfill such needs, both locally & globally.
These are the ministries that our Mission Board regularly coordinates for the church:
February Souper Bowl of Carin, Super Bowl Sunday-Collect food for the Meredith Food Pantry! Thank you to our community for all the support!
Year Round United Church of Christ (UCC) Basic Support
Year Round Call to Action - community coalition re: Opioid crisis
Year Round Hearts & Hands Thrift Store - proceeds help local causes
Year Round Meredith Food Pantry - ongoing collections
Year Round Pastor’s Discretionary Fund - confidential pastoral assistance
As Needed Response Missions - ranging from natural disasters to economic emergencies, housing for exchange students and more.
March UCC One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) - International
July/August Inter-Lakes School District-Backpack Project to assist students who need help preparing for return to school - Local
August Children are Angel's from Heaven - tuition support for two students in India - International
October UCC Neighbors in Need - National
October India Students - gift bags - International
October/November Stewardship Drive - Annual Church Giving
November/December Christmas Angels - clothes & toys for children in need - Local
December Veterans of the Cross - National